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Solving sourcing challenges to find great candidates


Attracting top-skilled workers has become extremely competitive and increasingly difficult. Moreover, as the job market is becoming highly transparent, employees and candidates have increased their bargaining power.

This new generation knows what’s important to them and they are not going to settle for second best. They are willing to look and keep looking for a company whose vision & culture reflect their own values. That’s why Employer Branding is so important. 

If job seekers today have many resources to conduct their job searches, so have you. In fact, the number of avenues available for you to source great candidates has never been greater.


So, what can you do to address the challenges of finding great candidates?

  • Use the right platforms: in the past, information about vacant positions came from Job Postings or Ads. Today, candidates are leveraging job portals, referrals, specialized websites, closed groups, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Facebook, Instagram and Networking groups. Gone are the days where one could simply make phone calls to source top candidates.
  • Plan for future talent needs to adapt to continuous change: keep your talent pipelines adequately staffed (internal rotations, prioritizing work or using employees put on hold for future projects) to ensure business continuity.
  • Utilize a strong recruiting partner: Due to extreme talent competition, you need to onboard specialized agencies like Drake with a large database and great market expertise.
  • Write better job descriptions: always put yourself in the shoes of your ideal candidates. Forget your internal lingo, understand their primary motivators or demotivators, and use them to write compelling job ads.



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