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Human Resource Management Blogs

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Don’t Take New Hires For Granted

By Bill Lee

Hiring good people is only half the battle. The other half is keeping them, especially in a relatively strong economy where quality people are difficult to attract.

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10 steps to become a magnetic leader

By Dianne Durkin

Magnetic leaders inspire others to be the best they can be and to perform at optimal levels. They are a contagious force that clearly knows how to set the direction for the organization and its people...

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Turnover – managing the problem in advance

By Drake Editorial Team


Navigating the hidden job market

By Drake Editorial Team

When you’re looking for a new job, many resources are available to you, including job boards, newspapers, company websites, and recruitment agencies. These, however, represent only a small fraction of the vacant jobs in the economy at any time:

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Getting the right people on the bus - interviewing tips for employers

By Jennifer Britton

Getting the right person on board to your organization, in the right position, at the right time, is one of the most strategic business decisions today...

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Hate Firing People? Then Hire Behaviour Instead

By Don Schmincke

At some point, every business owner, manager, or human resources professional has to let an employee go. It’s a fact of business everyone hates...

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