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The importance of employer branding to effective candidate attraction


Employees today are active investors in the company they choose to work with and you as an employer must build a brand that reassures their decision to invest their skill and experience in your company. That’s the core of your employer branding.

In a nutshell, your employer brand is what gets discussed about your company online, like between two friends at a coffee shop. As you cannot control what is being said about your brand it’s important for you to understand how you are perceived versus how you want to be perceived, and then to create and act on a communication plan to address the gaps. 


What are the key steps to take to build a strong employer brand? 

  • Have your vision and mission statements on your company website and social platforms and align initiatives around them.
  • Publish video testimonial of employees or your customers. Leverage employee engagement survey inputs to create articles or case studies.
  • Offer insights about your company history and future direction.
  • Display accurate descriptions of your internal roles, describing what entails a typical workday.
  • Provide a stellar candidate experience. You’re the front line of your company. Note that bad experiences will be shared quickly, and usually online where many others can see them. Always stay connected to candidates you are truly considering-before the competitor sweeps in. Constant communication is key.
  • Identify which benefits and perks best reflect your company culture and use them in your job postings to appeal potential candidates. They will serve as differentiators against your competition.
  • Promptly address online comments quickly and honestly whether they are positive or negative.


Turn your employees into brand ambassadors by creating a compelling brand promise and consistently delivering on it. Their experience should be so enriching that they always talk positively about you, even providing referrals and when/if they leave, becoming true, alumni brand ambassadors of your organization!


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