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Top Performer Profiling


Maximize your profile, part 1

By Dr. John Demartini

"Building Your Profile" in business is very much about building your profile in life. It is through "pushing yourself to be your own personal best" that people around you will start to admire and follow you.


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The leadership evolution

By Dave Ulrich

If you Google the word 'leader' and 'leadership', there are 487 million hits. That's an awful lot of information.


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The changing face of reward

By Drake Editorial Team

"We are looking for stars. We want people who are flexible and don’t want to be pigeonholed into one area or function." - Multinational IT organization


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Developing high tech leaders is different

By Drake Editorial Team

You've all heard it from your colleagues in high-tech firms. “Our people are smarter. Our pace is faster. Our technology changes more quickly. It's just harder to develop leaders”.


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Bill Pollock: Drake's founder & chairman

By Drake Editorial Team

Bill Pollock was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and is the youngest of 9 children. He was awarded a scholarship to the University of Manitoba at the age of 16, and received his Bachelor of Commerce at the age of 20.

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8 ways to overhaul performance reviews and transform your culture

By Quint Studer

Performance reviews tend to get a bad rap. Employees dread them, vacillating between cynical eye rolls and desperate last-minute bids to suck up to the boss before review time...

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