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2011-07-07 09:37:57

Team building magic, part 2

By Drake Editorial Team

A high performing team is a team that performs at an elite level, achieving extraordinary results, time and again. Team building is not seen as a separate activity but is integrated into every action, interaction and communication.

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Team building magic, part 1

By Drake Editorial Team

The concept of team building is largely misunderstood in business today. Many organizations view team building as buying team hats, t-shirts and jackets, hiring motivational speakers to “pump up” the group...

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How to deal with difficult clients

By Drew Stevens

For the amount of time and concentration in customer service sometimes it’s important to understand that is not the representative’s fault but merely an unruly customer. This is an unfortunate occurrence but... 

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2011-06-05 21:20:06

Great leaders grow profits

The more comprehensive a company’s leadership development efforts, the better its financial results in terms of shareholder return, growth in market share, growth in net income, and return on sales.


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10 ways to foster innovation in your company

By Drake Editorial Team

The last recession taught smart companies a valuable lesson – while poorly managed companies bunkered down in survival mode, innovative companies snuck up and took the hibernating companies’ market share. 

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Are your managers prepared for the seismic shift in the workplace?

By David Lee

What do you have to do to attract and retain Gen Y when your ‘old school’ practices don’t work? Learn all the key take-aways to understanding Gen Y, and find out how you rate on 21st century leadership practices.


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