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Drake P3 - Behavioural Assessments


Common resume blunders

By Drake Editorial Team

One of the most prevalent resume blunders is to turn your resume into a dull list of job duties and responsibilities. Many people even use company job descriptions as guides to developing their resumes.

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How to motivate yourself throughout your job search

By Drake Editorial Team

Stay organized and set goals so that your job search does not have to be a daunting task, plan and take the necessary steps to achieve your goals...

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The Millennial Workplace

By Drake Editorial Team

As you may have heard, there are negative stereotypes about Millennials. But, with this cohort of the population making up nearly 50% of the workforce in 2020, it is more important than ever to debunk these stereotypes, and ensure that companies are effectively attracting, and retaining this talent pool to build a sustainable business for the future.

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How to handle a negative employee

By Drake Editorial Team

You know the one: he comes in grumpy, and within minutes the atmosphere of the entire office has sunk like a brick...

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How to position yourself for your next career move

By Drake Editorial Team

Have you thoughtfully planned out your next career move? Most people have not. While they may have a vague idea of what their profession will look like in the future...

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How to lead virtual teams effectively

By David Swink

While conducting team effectiveness workshops over the last several years, I have noticed a significant increase in the number of people working on virtual teams...

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