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Human Resource Management Blogs

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Ten ways to tell you positively influence employees

By Drake Editorial Team

You do a great job of directing, coordinating, and controlling (i.e. managing); but are you equally effective at leading?

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How to lead like it matters

By Roxi Hewertson

Whether you’re a manager, executive, or CEO, your leadership style matters. If you’re running a large global firm, a small project team, or an entrepreneurial venture...

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If you want to become a talent magnet, focus on the fundamentals

By David Lee

In the frenzy to find high tech talent, it’s tempting to search for the Talent Magnet Silver Bullet – the ultimate perk or program that will make you the employer of choice...

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Developing highly productive & positive teams

By Drake Editorial Team

In all walks of life teams exist to get results. Getting results depends on teams being both productive and positive. Teams can be highly productive running at 100 miles an hour but have low levels of morale.

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How to retain sales talent in a competitive market

By Dr. Marilyn Manning

Like many others, your company may have recently gone through a host of significant changes, possibly the introduction of entire new product lines or merger and acquisition. 

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Putting recruitment firms to work for you

By Drake Editorial Team

Whether you are looking to develop a new career path or you already have considerable experience under your belt, recruitment firms can be a very useful tool in your job search. 

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