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Human Resource Management Blogs

Recent Post

2011-03-08 10:00:43

What do students have to offer?

By Benjamin Gottlieb

When considering a variety of jobs and internships to occupy the months off of school from May through August, students will undoubtedly be faced with the task of marketing themselves to employers...

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10 best practices for employee surveys, part 1

By Patrick J.Gilbert, Ph.D

A highly engaged workforce delivers superior products and services, and this in turn leads to greater customer satisfaction and improved sales performance...

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10 steps to hire the right person — the first time

By Drake Editorial Team

Hiring an employee is like making an important investment decision, with the candidate representing the capital: human capital. Like any investment decision, you want to make the right choice — the first time.

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Global learning at your fingertips

By Lesley Rogan

Gaining formal qualifications to give you an edge should never be overlooked. Qualifications show potential employers that you have the same frame of reference as others in the field...

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Survey results: what's on the minds of job seekers today?

By Heather Payne

...Employers are depending more than ever on their personal and professional networks when they need to fill roles...

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Customer service: myth or reality

By Tim Connor

Learn the 12 laws you need to integrate into your service program for improved customer satisfaction and retention.

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