How to stay focused when working from home
Working from home is the new reality for many people amid the Coronavirus outbreak. For some people, it appeals as it gets rid of the dreaded commute and creates more flexibility but for others, remote working presents some unexpected challenges.
While it can be tricky to juggle work life and home life, it’s essential to find a strategy that will work for you. Here are some tips to help keep you focused when working from home.
1. Wake up at the same time every morning
It’s easy to sleep in and then roll out of bed, still half-asleep, turning on your computer and working in your pyjamas. But doing this daily will only set yourself up for failure. You won’t be in the right headspace because your body won’t have enough time to wake up properly.
Studies have shown that people who wake up earlier are less likely to have negative thoughts throughout the day. People who have a good night’s rest are better equipped to problem solve and are more proactive which directly links to career success, job performance and higher wages.
Research has repeatedly found that you will have a better night’s sleep if you go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. You’re also less likely to develop sleeping disorders than those who go to bed later.
The benefits outweigh the negatives. Give it a go! Create a morning routine that will get you out of bed earlier.
2. Create a nice office space that you enjoy working in
What’s worse than working in your pyjamas? Working from your bed. When working remotely, it’s important to separate your work from your home life. If you intermingle them, you begin to feel like you’re always at work and it makes it a lot harder to switch off.
Create a nice space that is calming, and you look forward to working in. Print out some motivating quotes and stick them on the wall, have a couple of houseplants on your desk and find some nice stationery that you enjoy using. Having a clean workstation will mentally prepare you for your day and will keep you on track.
Check out some of these awesome home office spaces for inspiration!
3. Write down 3 goals you want to achieve for the day
Writing goals is like having a road map in front of you. You know exactly what direction to go in and you know how to get there. Goal setting is also highly addictive. Once you achieve one goal, your brain releases endorphins and keeps you wanting to achieve more.
4. Prioritize the hardest task first
As humans, we always put the hardest task off. We make excuses not to do it, like it’s not that important, or, it can wait until tomorrow. Unfortunately, tomorrow is always a day away and staying in this mentality means that it will never be done.
If you prioritize the hardest task first, you will clear that lingering feeling in the back of your mind. You will feel like you’re already on a roll and will keep you focused throughout the day.
5. Take regular breaks
This is a given. If you don’t take enough breaks, you start to lose focus and concentration. You’re more prone to making mistakes and your work performance decreases.
Take a break and do something completely different from your work. Go for a nice walk and get some fresh air, make yourself some coffee or read a book. It’s important to reset and get back into your work with fresh eyes.
6. Communicate with your team more often
Communication is the key to success in any company. When working remotely ensure that you and your team are all using the same technology. For example, if you use Zoom for conference calls, make sure everyone is familiar with it and knows how to use it.
Create a schedule and hold weekly video meetings. Holding video meetings ensures you get the facetime that you’re probably missing from work. Video calls also form stronger bonds between employees.
7. Celebrate your wins!
If you’ve done something at work that you’re proud of, let your team know! Celebrate your wins with your team. Celebrating your success makes you feel more connected with your team and boosts morale. Don’t forget to reward yourself too, grab your favourite chocolate and pat yourself on the back - you deserve it!
Working remotely presents its own challenges, making it difficult to stay focused on work. But by implementing these tricks into your everyday working routine, it will significantly help to increase your focus.