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"Building Your Profile" in business is very much about building your profile in life. It is through "pushing yourself to be your own personal best" that people around you will start to admire and follow you.
To appreciate just why competitive challenge is just as important for business growth as is cooperative support; let’s explore for a few moments a specialized discipline that could shed some light on this...
Why should I hire you? Do you remember being asked this question? For some crazy reason, answering this question really messes up a lot of people.
If you Google the word 'leader' and 'leadership', there are 487 million hits. That's an awful lot of information.
"We are looking for stars. We want people who are flexible and don’t want to be pigeonholed into one area or function." - Multinational IT organization
There exists an inborn potential for leadership inside each of us. This potential may be expressed at different levels and in different ways within our individual social spheres of influence.
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