Exit Interviews
At some point, every business owner, manager, or human resources professional has to let an employee go. It’s a fact of business everyone hates...
The problem with organizations today is with leaders that cannot lead and workers that have little passion. Rather than repair the issue, leaders place band-aids on surgical incisions.
When a person resigns for voluntary reasons, it’s often a surprise, and it can be expensive to replace a valuable team member...
So why do good employees leave? Often times, it’s difficult to get a direct answer. However, each person who moves on can tell a story, and it’s important to build as much of the story as possible...
Few things are more shocking to a manager then having a top-performing employee suddenly quit on them. Some managers have described it as a “kick in the gut”.
What’s your organization’s turnover, or churn, rate? Has it increased over the last 18 months? Did you notice a significant decrease in employee retention?..
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