Drake P3 - Behavioural Assessments
You have just joined a team of specialists who have worked together for six months on a potentially lucrative contract.
An obnoxious manager can cause even the most loyal employee to consider a job change, especially if said employee sees little chance for a promotion or transfer.
Are leaders born or made? If they are made, can anyone become a good leader?
In the uncertainties in today's global marketplace, talk in the workplace centres around the many nuances of becoming a team, the differences between teams and groups, what it takes to work as a team...
These days, we all need to make the most of our resources, and for most small-business owners, human capital is a primary asset. So how do you inspire people to perform at a higher level?
Workforces in every industry - from manufacturing to service to health care to high tech - are confused and bruised...
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