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Human Resource Management Blogs

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Winning the talent war in turbulent times

By Drake Editorial Team

No industry is immune to the influence of economic slowdowns. The pace of change can throw many organizations into knee-jerk reactions.

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Bad to worse - 6 ways to kill workplace productivity

By Drew Stevens

The problem with organizations today is with leaders that cannot lead and workers that have little passion. Rather than repair the issue, leaders place band-aids on surgical incisions.

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An Inclusive Recruitment Approach Changes Lives and Outcomes

By Drake Editorial

Attracting and retaining a high-performing workforce is an ongoing challenge that requires a person-centred approach...


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How to handle an exit interview

By Judith Brown

When a person resigns for voluntary reasons, it’s often a surprise, and it can be expensive to replace a valuable team member...

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How to keep quality people in your organization

By Marsha Lindquist

While it is true that in today’s environment no organization can realistically believe they will keep an employee for twenty or thirty years, companies can reasonably expect people to stay for four to six years.

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15 ways to motivate and influence employee behaviour faster

By Mark Holmes

Knowing how one’s role contributes to the organization’s overall success is a key longer-term motivator and morale builder.

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