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Human Resource Management Blogs

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Reduce employee turnover in the first 90 days

By Joel Garfinkle

Don’t spend all that money training new hires just to see them leave for your competition. When you follow these five steps, you can reduce turnover in the first 90 days and retain your valuable employees for years to come...

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Learning Curves: Four Tips for Success

By Betty Bailey

It doesn’t matter how brilliant your vision and strategy are if you can’t get the soldiers, the weapons, the vehicles, the gasoline, the chow…to the right people, at the right place, at the right time.

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Creating a frontline that improves the bottom line

By Drake Editorial Team

Have you left a convenience store lately wondering why the cashier seemed so put-out, even hostile, while ringing up your purchase?..

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Is your hiring process hurting your employer brand?

By David Lee

Are job applicants saying things like this about your organization to their friends and family? Do you know what job applicants are saying about you? Do you know what your job application and hiring process says about you as an employer?

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Why leaders fail to deliver: voices from the front line

By Dr. Clinton O. Longnecker

The study identified the top 10 factors, plus a bonus factor, that cause leadership failure, which are ranked in the hierarchical order that emerged from our focus groups...

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Boost your bottom line with better people management

By Drake Editorial Team

When a company hires new employees, the goal is to grow, increase productivity, and ultimately make more money. But what happens when your new hire or even a long-time team member underperforms?..

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