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5 Things Great Leaders Do…and Failing Ones Don’t

By Roxi Hewertson

Are you a GREAT leader or an “AT RISK” failing leader? How do you know? What would your staffers say? What would your own supervisor say?

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What you need to know for career survival in the 21st century

By Dr. Clinton O. Longenecker

Competitiveness at the University of Toledo conducted an executive development program several years ago with a group of senior managers from a host of manufacturing and service industries.

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How to Onboard More ‘A’ Players

By Lee Froschheiser

“All Aboard!” — Don’t you just wish that hiring new employees was that easy? Unfortunately, it’s such a challenge today that in a recent national survey, over 30 percent of CEOs said up to half of their employees are...

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Helpful Networking Tips

By Drake Editorial Team

Thoughtful networking provides a focused way to talk to people about your job search. Done right, it can help you obtain leads, referrals, advice, information and support. It is an essential component of any successful job search, but it requires planning.

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Long distance leadership for virtual team success

By Jennell Evans

Since there has been a significant increase in the number of people working on virtual teams. Leaders who are new to this way of working are asking, “How do I lead people that I don’t see"...

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Discover tips to improve your resume

By Drake Editorial Team

Picture this – you’re about to start your job hunt, and have devised a masterful plan to put together the best resume possible, and fire it off to as many companies as possible in the hopes it will be a good match for something, somewhere. It’s the classic “throw mud against the wall and see if any of it sticks” approach.

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