Flexible Recruitment
Before conducting any interview, you first need to establish the objectives of the selection process. Interviewing should not be just about filling an open position.
Hiring smart is productive, not doing so is unproductive. The most common, and fatal, hiring mistake is to find someone with the right skills but the wrong mind-set (attitude) and hire them on the theory, "We can change them."
My name is Corne van Niekerk and I am the Communications / Public Relations Intern at Drake New Zealand. I am currently completing my Bachelor in Communication, majoring in Public Relations.
If you have never considered how your employees’ behaviours affect your company’s overall success, perhaps you should. Your employees may have widely differing views of your organization...
We live in an uncertain world and always have. There is no security in a job, a career or a way of life. Sooner or later each of us must face our own reality that our security is within us...
Why would anyone want to be led by you? That’s the question that needs to frame your journey to becoming the boss no one wants to leave.
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